Sunday 23 February 2014

Your Faith And Your Destiny

Refs: Genesis 12, Romans 4:17-22, Hebrews 11:8-10 (KJV)

Abraham, though he'd not seen nor have a clue where the land God called him to go and possess was, yet he believed. Considering the fact that he was from Idolatrous background ( Genesis 31:30 ) and wasn't so acquainted with God at that time, yet he departed without knowing where he was going. His decision was such decision that many folks today would regard as "dumb". He obeyed by faith.

Faith and destiny are two inseparable words. From the above Bible references, we see how faith was the key player, or rather the main driver to the fulfillment of Abraham's destiny. His exemplary life of obedience to God is worthy of emulation. Here are some lessons to learn:

-He believed God, even when there was no tangible evidence to assure him that there'll be a happy, and better ending for him. All he had was seemingly empty promises. "...I will shew thee..." Genesis 12:1. "...I will make of thee..." verse 2. "...I will bless..." verse 3

-Without hesitation, "...Abram departed as the Lord has spoken unto him..." Genesis 12:4. He didn't consult with his kinsmen to know whether he should go or not. His faith made him to obey.

-He saw the invisible through the eyes of faith, by believing the "...God who...calleth those things which be not, as though they were." Romans 4:17. Don't hang your destiny on the people you see, nor on the things that are seen today, cos they may fail you.

-He was full of hope even when there was nothing to hope for Romans 4:18.

-Was not "...weak in faith..." Romans 4:19. Even when such faith was scientifically proven to be 'foolish' cos he didn't care whether Sarah had passed the age of menopause.

It sometimes sounds so easy reading this verse, but if we were to be in Abraham's shoes, I'm sure we'd know how hard it pitches.

-He was strong in faith. Romans 4:20 He didn't stagger at God's promise. Also in the midst of his trails and challenges, he glorified God. Meaning he sang in the midst of the storm.
To fulfill your destiny, you need a faith that is stronger than your mountains ( challenges )

-He was fully, completely persuaded that Gosh was able to perform what He has promised. Romans 4:21.
Once God has spoken, we need not to doubt His word, knowing that God is able to do all things.

-Finally his obedience was the overall thing God cherished the most. He obeyed, even when he didn't know where he was going, Hebrews 11:8. He didn't even considered whether he and his family would starve to death in the strange land, or probably get killed by people, famine, diseases, animals, etc. Faith saw him through. Today, Abraham is the father of many nations because of faith and obedience to God.

To fulfill your destiny in God, you cannot do without these two words, rather virtues, 'Faith' and 'Obedience' May God helps us, and grant us the grace to exercise faith in God on our journey of destiny, and may He grant us the grace to lead the life of obedience.

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