Friday 28 February 2014

Pressure Part II

Want pressure.
Financial want:
[Read the first part Here ]
In the book of Job, we see how the devil used want pressure on Job with the intention to destroy Job's relationship with God. He destroyed his children, wealth, health, etc.
The devil was envious of Job's relationship God, security, and wealth. Job 1:10. But he failed cos Job's relationship with God was not based on his wealth, health, or riches. That was why Job did not break his fellowship with God. His response to the terrible situation he found himself, is very intriguing. "...the Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord." Job 1:21 KJV.
Job trusted God even while facing sore trial. "Though He slay me, yet will I trust in Him..." Job 13:15 KJV.
The devil wanted to wreck Job's faith by pressuring him with wants. Satan took away everything that was dear to Job, yet he came out victorious. He didn't change from one church to another, neither did he change his religion.
But today we see some Christians who change from one church to another because of some financial wants. Some even deny Christ because of a little hardship that confronted them.
Because of want pressure, some Christians so called, now serve God and mammon. They're one leg in the church and another leg in occult. Some Christian sister who use to serve God fervently have turned into professional prostitutes. Some gospel singers have changed to secular music cos of the pressure for fame and affluence. While some tongue speaking, Holy Ghost filled Christians don're even mind selling their bodies, going nude to make money. Some once faithful brothers dump their Christian faith for robbery and 419. While some pastors don't even wait to be filled with the power of God, they go to magicians, and witch doctors to collect power. They have "...a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof..." 2 Timothy 3:5 KJV.
Our Lord Jesus Christ categorized them among the rootless, and fruitless categories of Christians, when he told the parable of the kingdom in Mark 4:5-7,15-19.
Verse 19 KJV says "And the cares of this world, and the deceitfulness of riches, and the lusts of other things entering in, choke the word, and it becometh unfruitful."
Halt for a moment and ponder on these words. If your spiritual life was to be measured in what I call "spiritualitometer" ( God's word )
What category would you belong?
Are you free from want pressure?
If God were to shake your finances ( I'm not praying that He should though) how would your life be?
What would be your response? Are you sure you'll be strong enough like Job to maintain your integrity?
# DailyInstructions...To be continued
Follow me on Twitter @Ubongeazeal I'll follow back

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